Cosmology Seminar
The next cosmology seminar takes place on Wednesday 5th of April, seminar room E349 at 2pm. Our guest speaker will be Danièle Steer from APC (Paris, France).
More …Cosmology Seminar
The next cosmology seminar takes place on Wednesday 5th of April, seminar room E349 at 2pm. Our guest speaker will be Danièle Steer from APC (Paris, France).
More …The Big-Bang discussed by its inventor
A genuine filmed interview of Georges Lemaître from 1964 resurfaced. We can all listen to the inventor of the “Big-Bang”, talking about his own theory, in French.
More …Cosmology Seminar
The next cosmology seminar takes place on Friday 2nd of December, seminar room E349 at 2pm. Our guest speaker will be Davide Dal Cin from SISSA (Trieste, Italy).
More …Mean-field approach to Random Apollonian Packing
Bubble nucleation is a phenomenon ubiquitous in physics, with applications ranging from the geometry of tree crowns, the structure of porous media and of sphere packing. Bubbles also find applications in cosmology such as the characterization of cosmic voids in the large scale structure and the signatures of cosmological phase transitions. In a new preprint, Pierre proposes a new method to determine the fractal properties of the so-called Random Apollonian Packing.
More …Cosmology Seminar
The next cosmology seminar takes place on Friday 30th of September, seminar room E349 at 2pm. Our guest speaker will be Nilanjandev Bhaumik from the Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore, India).
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