Cosmology Seminar

The next cosmology seminar takes place on Thursday 7th of April, seminar room E349 at 11am. Our guest speaker will be Fabien Lacasa from the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (Orsay, France).

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Gravitational multifield dynamics on Higgs pre-inflation and preheating

Traditionally the problem of initial conditions for inflation has been treated separately from studies of reheating. To allow for a parametric-type reheating, the inflaton must be allowed to interact with (or decay to) other fields, and, these interactions should be present also during inhomogeneous preinflation. Could they prevent cosmic inflation to start in the first place? In a single-author publication Cristian answers this question for Higgs Inflation: once more, inflation always starts and passes the challenge!

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Cosmology Seminar

Our next cosmology seminar takes place on Wednesday 1st of December, seminar room E349 at 2pm. The speaker is Maxence Corman from the Perimeter Institute (Waterloo, Canada).

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Cosmology Seminar

Our next cosmology seminar takes place on Friday 19th of November, seminar room E349 at 2pm. The speaker is Danilo Artigas from the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (Paris, France) and Quantum Cosmos Lab (Cracow, Poland).

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