C. Ringeval gives a public lecture on Cosmic Inflation for the Cercle
des Astronomes Amateurs de Charleroi (starts at 7:45pm). More information at
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We hold an informal meeting during which new comers working in
Cosmology will present their work and research topics. This takes
place Wednesday 6th of October, seminar room E349 from 2pm to 6pm.
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Some cosmological sources of gravitational waves, such as cosmic
strings, are everywhere present and incessantly emitting. Their past
and present contribution can mix together to create some fine structure in
the stochastic gravitational wave background today.
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In a recent preprint, Cristian and
Sébastien show the robustness of
Starobinsky and Higgs inflation to inhomogeneous initial conditions of
all sizes. They have performed full numerical relativity simulations
with strong inhomogeneous initial field and velocities. After
some “wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey” evolution, the system relaxes
towards… Cosmic Inflation.
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The Virgo gravitational wave group at the Institute of Mathematics
and Physics, is
searching for an senior post-doctoral researcher to take a leading
role in the data analysis carried out within the LIGO and Virgo
searches for a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background.
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