Vortons are centrifugally supported cosmic string loops that can be
continuously created at all times during the cosmological
expansion. Could they be all of the dark matter?
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We are pleased to open a post-doctoral position in Gravitational
Wave Cosmology at CURL (Cosmology, Universe and Relativity at
Louvain), Louvain University (Belgium), starting fall 2021.
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The gravitational waves emitted during the merging of two black holes
of 85 and 66 times the sun mass have been detected on May 25, 2019 by
the LIGO detectors in the United States and the Virgo detector in
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The two recent gravitational-wave events GW190425 and GW190814 from
the third observing run of LIGO/Virgo have both a companion which is
unexpected if originated from a neutron star or a stellar black
hole. Sébastien and Juan
investigate the possibility that these objects are Primordial Black
Holes (PBHs) in Ref. [1].
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Our next cosmology seminar takes place on Thursday 13th of
February, seminar room E349 at 4pm. The speaker is Dida
Markovic from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA (Caltech, Pasadena
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